Showing posts with label school. Show all posts
Showing posts with label school. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

High School Life

High School Life is a creative non-fiction  from a perspective of a Grade 10 Student.

When the bell rang, the students rushed to the field. Just by the flag pole, our Music teacher stands. While we were waiting for the others, I looked around. I spotted three of my classmates wearing black shoes. Our teachers tell us to wear black shoes with our uniform and I would if I have black shoes. I looked down at my flip-flops and decided to dismiss such luxurious wish. I belong to the majority after all.

Once the music started to play, I put my right hand over my left breast. I meant to sing but I was mesmerized with the way that she moves her hands, matching the movement of the music. After the flag ceremony, we scrambled into our respective classrooms.

I sat down but not a couple of minutes late, our adviser’s voice boomed, “Cleaners! What are you waiting for?” I quickly stood up and told my classmate to come with me to fetch water. She stood up and followed me outside the classroom. I saw my other classmates sweeping the floor and the school grounds around our classroom, some were watering the plants, and some are dusting the windows off. We filled the drum with water after three trips.

Image source:

After half an hour, my adviser seems satisfied so she called everyone in. She asked our homeroom president to lead the prayer so we can start the class. After praying, she called our name out one by one for the checking of attendance. About a third of the class is absent. Our adviser tried asking us if we have any idea why many of our classmates are absent. No one answered but studying in a barrio, we know the reasons. Jay chose to take contractual construction work. Mica eloped with her boyfriend. Adrian, Francis, and Michael probably got themselves sick from drinking too much alcohol. Joan found out a few days ago that she’s pregnant.

Someone snored loudly just when our adviser is about to start her discussion of our lesson. The whole class erupted in laughter, waking up and surprising the culprit. It turns out to be Patrick. Ma’am did not scold him. She just laughed with the class. Most of our teachers in our morning classes are used to having one or two of my classmates sleeping in their classes. They are the ones who join the “basnig”, a big boat with a group of fishermen leaving late in the afternoon to fish and returning early in the morning.

Image source:

Ma’am says that we will read a story. I craned my neck to see. She has a laptop but we do not have a projector so she just asks some volunteers to read the content of each slide loudly. We read a story entitled “A Day in the Country” by somebody named Anton. Ma’am showed us his picture. I remember his face but not his last name. I like the story except for the characters’ names that I cannot pronounce correctly.

We were 49 in our batch. We lose one or two every year because they transfer schools. We lose at least one per year because of retention to the grade level. Now that we are in high school we also lose at least one or two of our classmates every year because they decided to work instead. On my way home, I prayed that I would be able to finish high school right after praying for something delicious for dinner.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Jawili Integrated School Child Protection Policy Action Plan

  Republic of the Philippines
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Tangalan
 Jawili, Tangalan, Aklan

School Year 2014 – 2015

1. Child Protection Committee
1.1 Choose representatives from teachers, parents, and barangay council to compose the Child Protection Committee
1.1 Filling out of necessary forms and documents
  • Evaluate credentials of teachers in order to come up with recommendations for the Child Protection Committee members as well as of GPTA officers and barangay council
  • Finalize the members of the JIS Child Protection Committee
October 2014
Principal, Teachers, GPTA Officers, and Barangay Officials
1. 2 Compose the JIS Child Protection Committee’s Vision, Mission, and Guidelines
1.2 Brainstorming session/s to come up with the mission, vision, and general guidelines
  • Refer to Republic Act 10627 (Anti-Bullying Act of 2013) in forming the JIS CPC’s mission, vision, and guidelines 
October 2014
  Child Protection Committee
2. Child Protection Committee Education and Training

2.1 Educate the members of the JIS CPC about the Child Protection Policy
2.1 Hold a seminar for the CPC
  • Discuss bullying
  • Discuss Republic Act 10627 (Anti-Bullying Act of 2013) and its different facets deeper
  • Discuss the CPC Referral and Monitoring System
  • Discuss the forms and documents needed for the implementation of the school’s CPC
  • Discuss the rules and procedures in handling child abuse cases
  • Discuss the children’s rights
  • Discuss gender-based violence and how to handle it
  • Discuss online safety for different age brackets
  • Discuss positive approaches to child discipline
  • Discuss the role of DepEd in preventing child sexual abuse
  • Discuss the characteristics of each stage of child development
November to December 2014

Child Protection Committee

3. Information Dissemination
3.1 Educate the SSG officers about their roles and how they can help in implementing the school’s Child Protection Policy
3.1 Hold a seminar for the SSG officers
  • Discuss bullying
  • Discuss Republic Act 10627 (Anti-Bullying Act of 2013)
  • Discuss the children’s rights
  • Discuss online safety for different age brackets
  • Discuss how the SSG can help in implementing the school’s Child Protection Policy
December 2014
Child Protection Committee, SSG Officers
3. 2 Integrate the school’s CPC in lessons
3.2 Integrate the school’s CPC in lessons for different subjects such as ESP, English, and Filipino.
  • Discuss bullying or use it as examples
  • Use bullying stories as platforms for grammar lessons
  • Post copies of the school’s CPC in every classroom as well as different conspicuous spots within the campus
October 2014 to March 2015
  Child Protection Committee, Teachers, SSG Officers
3.3 Assign a date and hold a “Beat Bullying” celebration
3.3 Hold a “Beat Bullying Fair”
  • Hold an educational film-showing with a movie that tackles bullying
  • Facilitate games and activities that encourage friendship and teamwork
  • Facilitate contests such as essay-writing, poem-writing, slogan and poster-making contests with CPC and “bullying” as its major themes
  • Invite a speaker from the Philippine National Police’s Children’s Desk to give an educational message to the students especially about the importance of bystanders standing up against bullying
December 20, 2014
Child Protection Committee, Teachers, SSG Officers, PNP, Students
4. Implementation and Monitoring
4.1 Encourage students to join the “We Care” initiative
4.1 Educate the students about the “We Care” initiative, a course of action to encourage bystanders to stand up and stop bullying
  • Discuss the “We Care” initiative in classrooms
  • Form a “We Care Brigade” from volunteer students who will discreetly report cases of bullying to the CPC.
October 2014 to March 2015
Child Protection Committee, Teachers
4.2 Measure the success or progress of the school’s CPC
4.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of the CCP
  • Compile reports
  • Gather feedback from victims of bullying
  • Analyze gathered information
  • Work on areas of improvement
  • Plan next steps
October 2014 to March 2015
Child Protection Committee, Victims of Bullying

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Aklan Catholic College Vision

We had our screening for The Aklan Collegian last month and one of the aspiring Collegians wrote about the importance of not only memorizing the school vision and mission but also embedding the meaning of these in our minds and hearts. Here's the Aklan Catholic College Vision:

We envision Aklan Catholic College as a vibrant educational institution committed to empowering stakeholders as globally competent and authentic Christians.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


School starts again tomorrow. You know how after a long vacation, you feel lazy to go back to school or to work? I think everybody does.

Well, what to do when you're not yet ready to go to bed and wake up early? When you're not ready yet to give up the remote control or put down the book that you've been reading? When you're not yet done with your list of places to visit?

Here are some tips to help you prepare to go back to school.

1. Adjust your body clock. Try to sleep early again. It's most effective if you start at least five days before school starts again.

2. Spend two whole days doing what you want or spend the day with people you want to be with and hope that you'll get sick of them (joke!) and just give space for you to miss them again when school starts.

3. Text or call your classmates and ask them about their vacation. I'm sure they have something to share and that you do too so it will give you something to look forward to.