Thursday, January 18, 2018

Care for Vacuum Cleaners

A vacuum maybe expensive but it is an investment you would want to make. This will not only help you multi task but it is also necessary to keep the air circulating in your house clean and fresh. 

Vacuuming regularly helps reduce allergens in the atmosphere like pollens, spores, molds and dander.
To get the most out of your roomba 520, you need not only use it properly but you also need to clean it regularly. The product’s user manual is a must-read before you start using your vacuum. It is ripe with materials that can help you get to know your machine better.

If you do not take good care of your machine, it will break down. Getting it fixed by a professional will involve a lot of money. Oftentimes, the amount you will spend to fix it is even greater than the actual amount of the product.

There are two basic types of vacuum based on the presence of a bag or lack thereof.  If you have a unit that uses a dirt bag, you need to check if the bag is half full already from time to time. The logic behind this is, the more dirt there is inside the bag, the slower your machine gets. This is because it will have difficult time suctioning dirt plus the pores in the bag will be blocked.

The first way to check if the bag is half full already is to rely on the touch and feel method. Another is through signs. Sometimes, a dust bunny or a ball of lint is left behind when you are cleaning up.
For bagless vacuums like the robotic vacuum, you will also need to empty its bin every time it is half full to keep it functioning properly.

A common source of headache when it comes to vacuums is their cord. It is either too short or too long. It can never be enough. If you are planning to clean a room, the vacuum’s cord must be long enough for you to clean all nook and cranny. However, extension cords are dangerous to use for this kind of machine because of overheating. Just keep your cord plugged in an accessible area so as not to yank it by accident.

There are also times wherein the cord may tangle. Be sure to unplug it before you untangle it.  Do not step over the cord or run it over with the machine. Avoid getting it pinched by the door or heavy furniture.

Before vacuuming, clean off the floor or the sofa from objects that might be vacuumed and can cause damage to the machine like coins, nails, staple wires, screws, paper clips, thumbtacks and small parts of the toys. This will likely be siphoned and will surely cause internal damage.

Another tip is to let your vacuum rest at least every 10 minutes. Do not overwork it or else it might overheat. For safety reasons, do not let a young child ride on it while you are cleaning. This machine is not built for that purpose.