Showing posts with label education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label education. Show all posts

Friday, October 30, 2015

Clean Hands Raised: Global Handwashing Day 2015

                There was an air of cheer as Jawili Integrated School pupils and students started the day with the flag ceremony and raised their hands as they pledged to keep their hands clean and spread awareness on the importance of proper handwashing.

                Various contests were held for learners to showcase their talents and their knowledge and expertise on proper handwashing. There were slogan, essay writing, and poem writing contests in three languages – English, Filipino, and Akeanon. For the creative artists, there was a Hand Art Contest for kindergarten pupils, Drawing Contest for grades 1-3 pupils, and Poster Making for grades 4-6 and grades 7-10. Their arts were displayed on a wall for others to see and admire.

                Then, the learners formed their lines toward a clean and bright future as they look at their hands, washed their hands with soap and water, and smiled as they show off their clean hands. Members of the Philippine National Police also joined in the celebration and washed their hands with the learners and the teachers.

                Indeed, handwashing is for everybody and we, at Jawili Integrated School, raise our hands for hygiene!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Jawili Integrated School Child Protection Policy Action Plan

  Republic of the Philippines
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Tangalan
 Jawili, Tangalan, Aklan

School Year 2014 – 2015

1. Child Protection Committee
1.1 Choose representatives from teachers, parents, and barangay council to compose the Child Protection Committee
1.1 Filling out of necessary forms and documents
  • Evaluate credentials of teachers in order to come up with recommendations for the Child Protection Committee members as well as of GPTA officers and barangay council
  • Finalize the members of the JIS Child Protection Committee
October 2014
Principal, Teachers, GPTA Officers, and Barangay Officials
1. 2 Compose the JIS Child Protection Committee’s Vision, Mission, and Guidelines
1.2 Brainstorming session/s to come up with the mission, vision, and general guidelines
  • Refer to Republic Act 10627 (Anti-Bullying Act of 2013) in forming the JIS CPC’s mission, vision, and guidelines 
October 2014
  Child Protection Committee
2. Child Protection Committee Education and Training

2.1 Educate the members of the JIS CPC about the Child Protection Policy
2.1 Hold a seminar for the CPC
  • Discuss bullying
  • Discuss Republic Act 10627 (Anti-Bullying Act of 2013) and its different facets deeper
  • Discuss the CPC Referral and Monitoring System
  • Discuss the forms and documents needed for the implementation of the school’s CPC
  • Discuss the rules and procedures in handling child abuse cases
  • Discuss the children’s rights
  • Discuss gender-based violence and how to handle it
  • Discuss online safety for different age brackets
  • Discuss positive approaches to child discipline
  • Discuss the role of DepEd in preventing child sexual abuse
  • Discuss the characteristics of each stage of child development
November to December 2014

Child Protection Committee

3. Information Dissemination
3.1 Educate the SSG officers about their roles and how they can help in implementing the school’s Child Protection Policy
3.1 Hold a seminar for the SSG officers
  • Discuss bullying
  • Discuss Republic Act 10627 (Anti-Bullying Act of 2013)
  • Discuss the children’s rights
  • Discuss online safety for different age brackets
  • Discuss how the SSG can help in implementing the school’s Child Protection Policy
December 2014
Child Protection Committee, SSG Officers
3. 2 Integrate the school’s CPC in lessons
3.2 Integrate the school’s CPC in lessons for different subjects such as ESP, English, and Filipino.
  • Discuss bullying or use it as examples
  • Use bullying stories as platforms for grammar lessons
  • Post copies of the school’s CPC in every classroom as well as different conspicuous spots within the campus
October 2014 to March 2015
  Child Protection Committee, Teachers, SSG Officers
3.3 Assign a date and hold a “Beat Bullying” celebration
3.3 Hold a “Beat Bullying Fair”
  • Hold an educational film-showing with a movie that tackles bullying
  • Facilitate games and activities that encourage friendship and teamwork
  • Facilitate contests such as essay-writing, poem-writing, slogan and poster-making contests with CPC and “bullying” as its major themes
  • Invite a speaker from the Philippine National Police’s Children’s Desk to give an educational message to the students especially about the importance of bystanders standing up against bullying
December 20, 2014
Child Protection Committee, Teachers, SSG Officers, PNP, Students
4. Implementation and Monitoring
4.1 Encourage students to join the “We Care” initiative
4.1 Educate the students about the “We Care” initiative, a course of action to encourage bystanders to stand up and stop bullying
  • Discuss the “We Care” initiative in classrooms
  • Form a “We Care Brigade” from volunteer students who will discreetly report cases of bullying to the CPC.
October 2014 to March 2015
Child Protection Committee, Teachers
4.2 Measure the success or progress of the school’s CPC
4.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of the CCP
  • Compile reports
  • Gather feedback from victims of bullying
  • Analyze gathered information
  • Work on areas of improvement
  • Plan next steps
October 2014 to March 2015
Child Protection Committee, Victims of Bullying

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

"Describing a Place" Lesson Plan

Presented by
Ma. Angelica Maghinang – Domingo

I.              Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
a.    interpret given descriptions of a place through drawing
b.    identify the appropriate adjectives for particular pictures
c.    create a song and dance number using adjectives for a specific place
II.            Subject Matter:
a.    Topic: Description of a Place
b.    Reference: Teaching Guide in English II p. 18 to 29
c.    Materials: Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation and pictures
d.    Skills: listening, speaking, writing, drawing, singing, and dancing
e.    Values: imagination, creativity, appreciation of nature, appreciation for the locality, and honesty
III.           Procedure
a.    Lesson
                                          i.    Draw Me!
1.    Ask the learners to listen to close their eyes and listen to the description which will be read twice: The clear blue skies featured the radiant sun. I can smell the sweet summer blooms. I can hear chirping birds and the water flowing in steady current. It was a perfect day.
2.    After reading the description twice, ask the learners to draw what they envisioned through the description.
                                        ii.    Make Sense!
1.    Ask the learners to categorize adjectives for places according to the sense that perceives the description.

big                   black               elegant           fragrant          stinky
breezy            cold                 smooth           silent              noisy
colorful           fruity               scorching      bumpy            quiet
                                       iii.    Discuss the three ways on how learners can describe a place:
1.    Memory
2.    Observation
3.    Imagination
b.    Generalization: How can you describe a place?
                                          i.    A place may be described through the sense of sight, hearing, smell, and touch.
                                        ii.    A place may be described through memory, observation, or imagination.
c.    Application: Ask the learners to identify the best word that describes the following places:
                                          i.    ancient           modern          cold

                                        ii.    abandoned               bustling          deserted

                                       iii.    dirty     dark    picturesque

                                       iv.    polluted          clean              safe

                                        v.    bright              creepy            crowded

IV.          Evaluation
a.    Descriptive Ad
                                          i.    Divide the class into four groups. Give each group a photo of a place. All of these are photos of a place in Tangalan.
                                        ii.    Ask each group to prepare a jingle that promotes the place in the photo. Make sure to use at least five descriptions in the jingle. Learners may use the melody of an existing song’s chorus and just replace the lyrics. Ask them to accompany each jingle with some actions. Give them five minutes to prepare.
                                       iii.    Ask each group to perform in front of the class.
V.           Assignment:
a.    Lonely Planet
                                          i.    Ask the students to make-up their own planet by using their imagination and write a vivid description of it.
                                        ii.    Ask them to consider the following in writing:
1.    Name of the planet
2.    Residents
3.    Plants
4.    Water
5.    Vehicles
For the Draw Me! activity:
(7 pts.)
At least five descriptions of the place were included
Less than five descriptions of the place were included
There was no description of the place in the jingle
Presentation (3 pts.)
The jingle was clearly sung and the actions were synchronized
The jingle was sung and the actions were not too synchronized
No jingle and actions were performed
For the Lonely Planet activity:
Description and Grammar
(7 pts.)
At least five descriptions of the place were included and the grammar is perfect
Less than five descriptions of the place were included and there were some minor grammatical errors
There was no description of the place and the
Presentation (3 pts.)
The jingle was clearly sung and the actions were synchronized
The jingle was sung and the actions were not too synchronized
No jingle and actions were performed