Friday, October 30, 2015

Clean Hands Raised: Global Handwashing Day 2015

                There was an air of cheer as Jawili Integrated School pupils and students started the day with the flag ceremony and raised their hands as they pledged to keep their hands clean and spread awareness on the importance of proper handwashing.

                Various contests were held for learners to showcase their talents and their knowledge and expertise on proper handwashing. There were slogan, essay writing, and poem writing contests in three languages – English, Filipino, and Akeanon. For the creative artists, there was a Hand Art Contest for kindergarten pupils, Drawing Contest for grades 1-3 pupils, and Poster Making for grades 4-6 and grades 7-10. Their arts were displayed on a wall for others to see and admire.

                Then, the learners formed their lines toward a clean and bright future as they look at their hands, washed their hands with soap and water, and smiled as they show off their clean hands. Members of the Philippine National Police also joined in the celebration and washed their hands with the learners and the teachers.

                Indeed, handwashing is for everybody and we, at Jawili Integrated School, raise our hands for hygiene!

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