Monday, February 19, 2018

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Ready-made DLL (Week 1)

Grade Level
Learning Area
Teaching Dates
 June 5 to June 9, 2017

Students should have answered the pre-test honestly.

Students should have characterized academic texts correctly.
Students should have used appropriate hedges,

Students should have…

A. Content Standards
The learner acquires knowledge of appropriate reading strategies for a better understanding of academic texts.
B. Performance Standards
The learner produces a detailed abstract of information gathered from the various academic texts read.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives



A. References

   1. Teacher’s Guide Pages

   2. Learner’s Material Pages
p. 3

   3. Textbook Pages

   4. Additional Materials from  Learning Resources
Social Studies – Internet Marketing on Social Media and Bring her back by Ma. Angelica Maghinang - Domingo
Custom Patches by Ma. Angelica Maghinang - Domingo

Carlton Hotel Singapore – Modern Luxury that you deserve by Ma. Angelica Maghinang - Domingo

B. Other Learning Resources


A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Ask what the students think about when they hear the word ‘study’.
What actions or reactions follow when they are asked to study?
What problems are faced when they are studying?
Ask what the learners do when they have so many materials to read and so little time to study? What techniques do they use when they are reading? What do they usually do with the words they don’t understand?
Ask what the learners’ strategies are when they are composing or writing sentences or paragraphs. What do they usually do when they don’t know the word they want to use?
Ask what challenges or problems can the learners share to their classmates?

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Ask learners about what they should do when they encounter an unfamiliar word.
Ask learners about their study habits.
Ask learners how they feel about writing.
Ask learners about the steps that they took to solve the problem.

C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson
Reading of “Social Studies – Internet Marketing on Social Media” and “Bring her back” by Ma. Angelica Maghinang - Domingo
Reading of “Custom Patches” by Ma. Angelica Maghinang - Domingo
Let’s Learn (Communicate Today-EAPP pp.4-5)
Critical Reading Strategies (Communicate Today-EAPP pp.6-9)

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skill #1
1. Which composition has more words you don’t understand?
2. Compare both texts and see if which one has more emotion in it.
3. According to your observation, what are the characteristics of your work as compared to the one given by your teacher?
The teacher is going to define what Paraphrasing is and tell the learners what this skill is very useful and applicable in their reading and study habits.
Reading Goals (Communicate Today-EAPP p.5)
Other Reading Strategies – SQ3R Method of Reading (Communicate Today-EAPP p.10)

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skill #2
1. Where can you usually read academic texts?
2. Give examples of academic texts and non-academic texts.
The teacher is going to enumerate and explain the instructions on how to systematically paraphrase a sentence.
1. Who is the one who moves? (noun)
2. What was the action done? (verb)
3. Ask about what was done.
(object of the verb)
Structure of Academic Texts (Communicate Today-EAPP p.5)
Other Reading Strategies - KWL Method (Communicate Today-EAPP pp.10-11)

F. Developing Mastery
Show learners examples of texts and ask them to identify whether it’s academic or non-academic.
Relate this lesson to the Basic Parts of Speech and how English should be learned through application.
The teacher will then facilitate the
paraphrasing of the sentence with the students.
Content and Style of Academic Texts (Communicate Today – EAPP pp.5-6)
Ask learners to use the KWL Method about academic texts.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts & skills in daily living
Ask the learners about the importance of both academic and non-academic texts.
Ask the learners how they think they will use this skill in studying academic texts? Ask them to give examples.
Ask the learners about the usual reasons why they read academic texts.
Ask learners for example situations when they will be able to use the discussed critical reading strategies.

H. Making generalizations & abstractions about the lesson
Ask the learners to show the similarities and differences of academic and non-academic texts using Venn diagram.
Ask the learners about the importance of having good study habits.
Ask the learners about the importance of being able to distinguish academic from non-academic texts.
Ask learners about the importance of critical reading strategies such as annotation and KWL method.

I. Evaluating Learning
Self-audit (Communicate Today–EAPP p3)
Checking for Understanding (Communicate Today-EAPP p.11)
Let’s Practice (Communicate Today-EAPP p.12)
Ask learners to annotate the article, “Carlton Hotel Singapore – Modern Luxury that you deserve” by Ma. Angelica Maghinang - Domingo

J. Additional activities for application or remediation



A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%

C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of learners who caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?

Friday, January 19, 2018

Bite Size Medical Tips

1. Discover Natural Asthma Remedies
Asthma is a possibly fatal disease. It is triggered by different stimuli such as allergies, extreme emotions, and food. In this day and age when a lot of natural remedies are discovered, most people expect that there is already a natural remedy for every medical condition. In this case, asthma is an exception. There is nothing, natural or not, that can cure asthma. However, there are natural remedies for its symptoms.

Stress can trigger asthma. Therefore, absence of stress can help make a person asthma-free. A lot of natural remedies for this symptom are available. People can divert their attention to something else apart from things that cause them stress. They can relax, play a game, sleep, take a walk, or anything else that will help them relieve their stress.
There are also some theories that healthy diet can help alleviate asthma symptoms, especially fishes that are rich in Omega-3. However, it will be best to get the expert’s precise diagnosis first.
2. Stress Symptoms to watch out for
Stress is one of the most common problems of people nowadays. It seems like wherever they go, they have something to be stressed about. Some people may even be experiencing stress and are not aware that it is actually stress that they are experiencing. There are different symptoms of stress and stress is actually classified as a medical condition.

Stress has a lot of symptoms and these symptoms can be classified as cognitive, emotional, physical, or behavioral. Cognitive symptoms include having poor memory, lack of ability to focus or concentrate, and being pessimistic. Emotional symptoms include mood swings, being ill-tempered, and restlessness. Physical symptoms include pains in different parts of the body, extremes of bowel movement, and nausea. Behavioral symptoms include abnormal appetite, lack of sleep or too much of it, and procrastination.
These are the symptoms of stress and it is important that people take control of it instead of the other way around, with stress taking control of the people.
3. Depression Signs and Symptoms
Depression is a mental illness and depending upon its severity, it can cause harm to the person himself or herself and the people around him or her. There are different kinds of depression and it is always important that the person get accurate diagnosis before moving on to therapy or treatment.

Major depression causes a person to experience a lot of symptoms that prevent him or her to get enough sleep, to lose focus on his or her work or studies, and to lose their appetite for food. They will also stop enjoying things that they loved doing before. It is a disabling mental condition.
Psychotic Depression is another kind of depression that causes a person to hallucinate, withdraw from reality, and experience delusions. Postpartum depression on the other hand, is experienced by women after giving birth. It is a more intense depression than the usual baby blues and is often left undiagnosed.
4. Natural Remedies for Toddlers with Fever
Fever is said to be a sign that a person’s body is fighting off an infection and is a mere symptom instead of a sickness. However, people are naturally alarmed when a toddler’s temperature gets too high. It may lead to more serious conditions and even death. There are some natural remedies for fever that are safe for toddlers.

One natural way to lower the toddler’s temperature is by making them wear wet socks. Cotton socks work best. Just wet the socks and squeeze water out. Make the toddler wear it and replace once it gets warm again. Another way is to have the toddler drink lots of water to help lower the body’s temperature.
It is always important to keep the neck and head cool. For this, towels may be used as well as ice packs. Just wet the towel with cold water and place it on the neck and forehead after water has been squeezed out.
5. Dental Care: Teeth Brushing Don’ts
Brushing the teeth is the primary dental care for everyone. There are a lot of things to remember about this dental habit just like there are a lot of things to remember about what people should not do when they brush their teeth.

Do not use any toothbrush. With a lot of different kinds of toothbrush available in the market, it is a bit hard to find the best one. The first thing to consider is the size of the toothbrush it should be able to move around inside the mouth freely. It should also be comfortable to hold. Its bristles should be hard enough to do its work but soft enough to not damage the person’s gums.
Although people are advised to brush their teeth at least twice a day, the ideal frequency is three times a day. Each brushing session should last at least two minutes. Brushing four times a day or more may lead to gum irritation and brushing too hard may lead to tooth enamel erosion.
6. Ideal Diet for Diabetic People
Being diabetic is perhaps the most limiting disease when it comes to food. There are sure to be a lot of food and drink restrictions that will make it hard for the patient to experience pleasure from eating. However, that should not be the case. Eating healthy can also mean eating delicious food. There are just some things that they should remember about eating.

Diabetic people should stay away from food that contains high sugar levels. They should not eat a lot of sweet food. It would be better to eat in smaller portions, sporadically, throughout the day. They should also watch their carbohydrates intake.
It would help if they will incorporate whole grains, certain kinds of fruits, and vegetables in their regular diet. Diabetic people should also stay away from alcohol as much as they can. Salty food should also be avoided.
7. Tips for Healthy Menopausal Habits
Menopausal is experienced by all women when they reach a certain age. There is no exact age as it varies from one person to another. It is mainly associated to aging and the inability to conceive. It has a lot of symptoms that can drive a woman crazy. Still, there are women who handle menopausal easily. There are some things that women can do so they can stay healthy physically and mentally even when going through their menopausal period.

Good nutrition applies similarly to a regular person and one who is going through menopausal period. They should stay away from fats and cholesterol. They should eat more fruits and vegetables to aid in their bowel mobility. They should also stay away from processed meat.
Women on their menopausal stage should exercise regularly. Aside from getting rid of menopausal symptoms, it will also keep them fit and healthy as they age.
8. Discovering Obesity Causes and Symptoms
More and more people are suffering from obesity. It may be viewed by some people as simply being too fat but the truth is it is a fatal disease. If it gets out of hand, it can lead to very serious illnesses and even death. It is better to understand it and know how to fight obesity.

Obesity happens when a person eats food with a lot of calories that their body cannot burn. These become deposits inside the body that makes the person gain a lot of weight. There are also some genetic factors that cause a person to have big appetite leading to uncontrollable eating and weight gain.
This can lead to symptoms such as having breathing difficulties. Obesity can lead to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, depression, liver diseases, gall bladder diseases, high blood pressure, stroke, high cholesterol, and joint disease. It can also cause a person to lose his or her self-confidence.
9. The Big C Symptoms
Cancer has claimed a lot of lives and continues to be one of the biggest causes of death. Although not much people understand how cancer works, they know and have seen enough to make them fear it. It comes to get even the most unexpected people. It does not mind whether the person is young or old, male or female, rich or poor.

Some of the most common symptoms of cancer include significant weight loss even though the person did not change anything on his or her diet or activity. It is usually a minimum of 10 lbs. and can be a symptom of pancreas, esophagus, stomach, or lung cancer. Frequent fever may also be a symptom of blood-related cancer such as Leukemia.
Fatigue, even when the person is not doing any heavy task may be a sign of colon or stomach cancer. Skin changes are also a usual symptom of cancer.
10. Detecting Breast Cancer through Self Examination
Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in the United States. It has taken a lot of lives but there are some patients who continue to fight. There are available treatments though with cancer, nothing can be certain. Early detection is still the best defense against cancer.

A noticeable change in a breast is the most common and visible sign of breast cancer. Usually, it starts with a lump at the person’s underarm area and tenderness of the nipple. The skin also changes to what would look like the pores of an orange’s skin. Lumps in other parts of the breast may also be a symptom. However, when such symptoms are noticed, the person should consult a professional since it may turn out to be not cancerous at all.
Any change in the breast like change of shape, dimpling, swelling, shrinking, inverting nipple, and swelling may also be symptoms of breast cancer.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Care for Vacuum Cleaners

A vacuum maybe expensive but it is an investment you would want to make. This will not only help you multi task but it is also necessary to keep the air circulating in your house clean and fresh. 

Vacuuming regularly helps reduce allergens in the atmosphere like pollens, spores, molds and dander.
To get the most out of your roomba 520, you need not only use it properly but you also need to clean it regularly. The product’s user manual is a must-read before you start using your vacuum. It is ripe with materials that can help you get to know your machine better.

If you do not take good care of your machine, it will break down. Getting it fixed by a professional will involve a lot of money. Oftentimes, the amount you will spend to fix it is even greater than the actual amount of the product.

There are two basic types of vacuum based on the presence of a bag or lack thereof.  If you have a unit that uses a dirt bag, you need to check if the bag is half full already from time to time. The logic behind this is, the more dirt there is inside the bag, the slower your machine gets. This is because it will have difficult time suctioning dirt plus the pores in the bag will be blocked.

The first way to check if the bag is half full already is to rely on the touch and feel method. Another is through signs. Sometimes, a dust bunny or a ball of lint is left behind when you are cleaning up.
For bagless vacuums like the robotic vacuum, you will also need to empty its bin every time it is half full to keep it functioning properly.

A common source of headache when it comes to vacuums is their cord. It is either too short or too long. It can never be enough. If you are planning to clean a room, the vacuum’s cord must be long enough for you to clean all nook and cranny. However, extension cords are dangerous to use for this kind of machine because of overheating. Just keep your cord plugged in an accessible area so as not to yank it by accident.

There are also times wherein the cord may tangle. Be sure to unplug it before you untangle it.  Do not step over the cord or run it over with the machine. Avoid getting it pinched by the door or heavy furniture.

Before vacuuming, clean off the floor or the sofa from objects that might be vacuumed and can cause damage to the machine like coins, nails, staple wires, screws, paper clips, thumbtacks and small parts of the toys. This will likely be siphoned and will surely cause internal damage.

Another tip is to let your vacuum rest at least every 10 minutes. Do not overwork it or else it might overheat. For safety reasons, do not let a young child ride on it while you are cleaning. This machine is not built for that purpose. 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

High School Life

High School Life is a creative non-fiction  from a perspective of a Grade 10 Student.

When the bell rang, the students rushed to the field. Just by the flag pole, our Music teacher stands. While we were waiting for the others, I looked around. I spotted three of my classmates wearing black shoes. Our teachers tell us to wear black shoes with our uniform and I would if I have black shoes. I looked down at my flip-flops and decided to dismiss such luxurious wish. I belong to the majority after all.

Once the music started to play, I put my right hand over my left breast. I meant to sing but I was mesmerized with the way that she moves her hands, matching the movement of the music. After the flag ceremony, we scrambled into our respective classrooms.

I sat down but not a couple of minutes late, our adviser’s voice boomed, “Cleaners! What are you waiting for?” I quickly stood up and told my classmate to come with me to fetch water. She stood up and followed me outside the classroom. I saw my other classmates sweeping the floor and the school grounds around our classroom, some were watering the plants, and some are dusting the windows off. We filled the drum with water after three trips.

Image source:

After half an hour, my adviser seems satisfied so she called everyone in. She asked our homeroom president to lead the prayer so we can start the class. After praying, she called our name out one by one for the checking of attendance. About a third of the class is absent. Our adviser tried asking us if we have any idea why many of our classmates are absent. No one answered but studying in a barrio, we know the reasons. Jay chose to take contractual construction work. Mica eloped with her boyfriend. Adrian, Francis, and Michael probably got themselves sick from drinking too much alcohol. Joan found out a few days ago that she’s pregnant.

Someone snored loudly just when our adviser is about to start her discussion of our lesson. The whole class erupted in laughter, waking up and surprising the culprit. It turns out to be Patrick. Ma’am did not scold him. She just laughed with the class. Most of our teachers in our morning classes are used to having one or two of my classmates sleeping in their classes. They are the ones who join the “basnig”, a big boat with a group of fishermen leaving late in the afternoon to fish and returning early in the morning.

Image source:

Ma’am says that we will read a story. I craned my neck to see. She has a laptop but we do not have a projector so she just asks some volunteers to read the content of each slide loudly. We read a story entitled “A Day in the Country” by somebody named Anton. Ma’am showed us his picture. I remember his face but not his last name. I like the story except for the characters’ names that I cannot pronounce correctly.

We were 49 in our batch. We lose one or two every year because they transfer schools. We lose at least one per year because of retention to the grade level. Now that we are in high school we also lose at least one or two of our classmates every year because they decided to work instead. On my way home, I prayed that I would be able to finish high school right after praying for something delicious for dinner.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Zix Performance – The Montero Authority in Manila

If you are having a hard time finding a competent mechanic for your car especially if you are a Montero owner, fret no more. Everything that you are looking for in a professional mechanic, you can find at Zix Performance. Here, I will list down the reasons why Zix Performance is the best choice for you.

  • ·       Quick and accurate diagnosis. While other mechanics would take time to troubleshoot and still result to false diagnosis, Zix Performance can identify the problem accurately the first time. This is because of extensive experience with different kinds of vehicles. Of course, proper troubleshooting is still done so you can rest assured that the diagnosis has enough bases. This is one of the main reasons why first-time customers come back every time they experience problems with their vehicles.
  • Montero Specialist. Although Zix Performanze is also experienced in other kinds of vehicles, it specializes more on Monteros. This is why if you are looking for a specialist and not just your average mechanic, then you need to bring your baby to Zix. It knows Monteros thoroughly so you can rely on it to find the actual problem and fix the problem efficiently.
  • ·        Freebies. Who doesn’t like freebies? Get freebies in terms of extra services such as free check-up, free dash cam installation, and more. Zix values customer loyalty and satisfaction and Zix finds different ways to give back. You get freebies on top of the affordable service fee.
  • ·       Professionalism at its finest. You are welcomed with arms wide open and with a friendly smile each time you visit, no matter what kind of vehicular problems you have. Punctuality is one of their strongest points so you can be sure that when they give you a specific date and time, you will get what you came for. You can even watch everything that they do to your vehicle. Questions are welcome so you also get free tips on how to take good care of your vehicle. You will also learn trade secrets and all about the BS that the case usually feeds you.
  • ·       Comfort and convenience. One of the hardest things about going to the mechanic is waiting especially when you have company. Fortunately, Zix has a comfortable, air-conditioned waiting room where you and your family or friends can get comfy while watching TV or while enjoying the free Wi-Fi. There is also free drinking water for the thirsty ones and even free snacks at particular times of the day.
  • ·       Newbie-friendly. Newbies have many questions in their minds. However, it seems embarrassing to ask those and sometimes, you get worried that others may take advantage of your lack of knowledge. There’s no need to worry about such things with Zix Performance. Ask away and all your queries are respected, honestly answered, and professionally handled.

What more can you ask for? Go to Zix Performance Manila now and enjoy the experience for more pleasant surprises and more advantages to discover! Visit their Facebook page for more information: