This entry was inspired by my two quizzes earlier today. One in my Child and Adolescent Development class and another in my Literature I class, thanks to Mrs. Eleonor R. Teopy and Mrs. Ann Magsisi-Templonuevo.
If I had the time to prepare, this is what I would have done:
1. Make a reviewer.
2. Read over and over again, understand, memorize if I can.
3. Sleep early.
4. Wake up early so I still have time to review again.
But I did not. Not because they were surprise quizzes but because (thanks to my memory) I forgot about them. So here's what I did.
1. Pray that we have to do something first so I can cram. (Thankfully, Ma'am Teopy handed out photocopies of the Children's Rights and Significant Theories on Child and Adolescent Development lists first and Ma'am Ann had to write down our names to our seat plan)
2. Read. Remember important things especially the ones that are most likely to appear in the enumeration part of the quiz. Try to remember the keywords in definition of important words.
3. Pray. Ask for miracle.
4. After you're done, stop worrying. There's nothing else you can do about it but be prepared next time, as said by Ma'am Teopy.
Well, I got a pretty high score in Literature (18/20), but I don't know about my Child and Adolescent Development quiz. Maybe I'll know on Wednesday.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Online Money Making Schemes

I discovered a couple of months ago, there are ways on how to make money online. I know that lots of people have already written different information about making money online. I will be sharing mine from experience specifically in referring.
I am not good with referring people. But here are some things that you should remember based on my experience:
1. Make sure that the site is legit. I never ask people to join a paying website as long as I'm not paid through it yet. Yes, I struggle because most often, it is hard to earn money or points without any referrals at all but I try until I reach the minimum payout, all with my own sweat and blood. When I get paid, that's the only time that I start referring people. It will be hard but you should take care of your referring reputation.
2. Be accurate. Be accurate in everything. Make sure that they know all the information that your prospective referrals need to know. The basics are the link, the rules and regulations, the process on how they can make money on that specific site, what's the minimum payout, how will they be paid, and if possible, an estimate of how long it would take them to reach payout.
3. Keep in touch. Send your referrals a simple thank you and remind them that they can send you a pm if ever they need help with something with that site that you referred them too. You can also inform them about updates and new features from time to time.
4. Don't be greedy. This is something that is applicable to life in general too. Sometimes, when hoping for a lot more than what we are entitled to have, we lose more than that.
Now, think twice before posting your referral links. ;)
Friday, April 11, 2008
Outing - Basang Cold Spring
Whew! Are you feeling the heat of summer? Now that summer's here, I know that there are lots of people who are planning to go swimming or go to colder places like Tagaytay or Baguio here in the Philippines.
If you would like to go swimming, I highly recommend The Wassenaar Beach Resort in Jawili, Tangalan, Aklan. You can go there then proceed to Boracay or vice versa. It's a nice place if you prefer peace and quiet compared to the busy night life in Boracay. I also recommend Basang Cold Spring which is located in Nabas, Aklan. The water is really cold that may make you forget that it's summer. It's a lot better because it gives you more satisfaction than halo-halo and ice cream minus the additional weight.
Now, that's three destinations already. So if you ever decided to come and visit Aklan, you'll know where to go. If you're adventurous and would like to maximize your vacation here, you can add Jawili Falls, Sampaguita Gardens and more to your itenerary. If you would like to know more, just post a comment. ;)
If ever you decided to go here or go outing somewhere else, here are some things that you should remember:
1. Travel light. No, you don't need to bring all of your shoes. Just bring one for comfort, one for formal parties, and one that will go with most of your clothes that you're bringing.
You also don't need to bring all your clothes. Just pick safe and comfortable ones. Bring just one or two formal dresses.
You also don't need to bring all your friends and family's and pets pictures. Just leave them at home, If you really can't do that just bring one of each.
2. Don't forget the essentials. Your make-up kit, yes, that's on top of the list. Tools for your car, first aid kit, insect repellant, Swiss knife, and your personal stuff. With the last one, make sure to kip tip number one in mind.
3. Turn the main switch of electricity of your house off if no one will be staying at home. Make sure that all the windows and the doors, and the gate is locked.
4. Bring a book or magazine or MP3 player just in case you get bored.
5. Never forget your camera and extra batteries.
Now those are just the basics. There will be a lot more tips next time. Thanks for reading and always be safe. :)
first aid kit,
insect repellant,
make-up kit,
swiss knife,
wassenaar beach resort
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
On Stage
Yeah, I know I already talked about my son's graduation but what can I say? I am really proud and I have other lessons to share with you guys.
Here they are:
1. If you really want to enjoy the graduation program, have someone else take pictures. Just make sure that you give clear instructions on when and how to take pictures or better yet, have a professional do it. I'm still not over my failure to take a picture while Franz is given his diploma because I led him to the stairs to the stage and when I came back to my spot to take his picture, he already went down the stairs on the other side of the stage.
2. When that happens to you, when it's too late to take the picture, don't be shy to ask the people there to repeat giving the diploma so you can take a picture. I don't know why I didn't do that. You have every right to ask for that because that happens only once- your kid graduating from pre-school.
3. When your kid was given a damaged medal, ask for a replacement. I wasn't able to take a picture of Franz on the stage with his two medals because the other medal fell off.
That will be all for now. I am not promising that this will be my last post about graduations because I will post more when I see more lessons to be learned. ;)
Very Special Announcement
Congratulations to my cousin, Engr. Marie Antonette Fe M. Borja for passing the board exams. May you have many more blessing to come. We're all so proud of you. We love you! :)
Monday, March 24, 2008
Bonfire at The Wassenaar Beach Resort
Now there are some things to remember when having a bonfire. And they are:
1. Make sure that you apply insect repellent to keep mosquitoes away from your skin.
2. Don't put too much gas on the bonfire.
3. Don't toast the marshmallow for too long.
4. If the marshmallow tastes like gas, don't eat it.
5. Bring a guitar or a radio, or play a game to make it more fun.
6. Bring a flashlight.
7. It's nice when you do it once in a while with your family and friends. It's really fun and it doesn't cost too much.
wassenaar beach resort
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Graduation Day
March 14, 2008. My son graduated from pre-school. He made me really proud not only because he graduated but he also earned two medals: one for getting the Top 7 spot and the second one for getting the Model Student award. He also joined the dance performance to the tune of Rochelle Pangilinan's "Bayle, Bayle". They also sang "Hawak Kamay" by Yeng Constantino as their graduation song.
We were supposed to have a party in their classroom afterwards but two other parents told me that there will be no party because the other parents decided not to cook any food. We we're supposed to bring food and I was in-charge of the fruit salad. After hearing that, we just went straight home after the graduation ceremonies.
The teacher came to our home the next morning saying that there was a party but only four parents attended it. I've heard some rumors that lots of other parents were not satisfied with the top students that were announced.
Now, here are some lessons that I learned from there:
1. Don't forget to bring drinking water, a fan, face towel, and food for your kid when attending graduation ceremonies.
2. Practice with your child for their dance performance if there's any. It will help your child be more confident and it is good exercise too.
3. Do not lose sleep over your child not getting into the top students when it's only in pre-school and no examinations are given and there are no actual bases for choosing who will be there.
4. Do not give wrong information to innocent people just to get even with the culprit.
5. Do not believe in hearsay. If there's something important that you need to know, ask the teacher or the person in-charge.
6. If you're in a province, make sure that you have a gift for your child to be given during the graduation ceremonies. It is a custom that at the end of the ceremonies, graduates are given gifts that they open right away.
7. The togas are returned right after the ceremonies.
8. If you are giving a speech on preschooler's graduation, make it short.
9. Do not wear glittery clothes if the ceremonies are held in the morning or early afternoon. It's distracting and annoying.
10. Do not forget to congratulate your child.
11. If you can, spend the rest of the day with your child. It will be best if the whole family is there, and have a special meal together.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Franz's Fifth Birthday
On Franz's birthday, mama bought a cake for him, we bought chickenjoys from Jollibee and facilitated some games. It was fun. Franz enjoyed the party and judging from the smiles on his classmates' faces, I'm sure that they had fun too.
Now, for the lessons learned in this party:
1. Before you start with the games, make it clear that the parents are NOT allowed to join. Or you might end up having the biggest bullies going against the children and you're lucky enough if the bullies fight among themselves, with the children kept safe. You might want to alert the police and the paramedics if you're hosting a children's party and their parents are going too.
2. If you're expecting thirty guests, make sure that you have food enough for sixty. Expect at least one company for each guest and do not forget about the Filipinos' love for "take home" or "take away".
3. Do not worry about the teachers' restriction about junk food. Every rule is forgotten during a party.
4. Keep an eye on the cake. I'd recommend taking a picture of it if you want to, right after taking the cake out of the box. If possible, assign one person to stand guard. A scary looking one, if there's any available.
5. Fill the cake with those candy flowers on stick, those like hardened icing, or have lots of extras. Or don't put any at all.
6. Lastly, have all the balloons in just one color. Or, you will end up getting frowns and eyerolls from the bratty ones if you gave the pink one to another kid.
Monday, February 25, 2008
The Ghost in You
Last year, we celebrated Halloween through a special dinner and dressing up just to look scary, not aiming for a specific costume whatsoever. We went to the store looking like this, the three of us in the picture. Those two, Ghie and Anne are my younger sisters. We went to the store to buy Coke and I don't know if it did any good because there are really few people who's outside that time. Well, it isn't just becuase of halloween because here in our place, when the clock strikes 5, the stores would start closing and by 6, there will be very few people out on the street.
When we reached the store, the two ladies there commented, "nakakatakot" or "scary". They told us about how they envy us because we can go out and have fun, enjoy halloween unlike them who are not allowed to close until 9:00 pm.
Then, we went to the triangle which is a memorial park located in front of our house. We tried to scare people but the best that we got is to have some vehicles slow down while the passengers point to us so the children inside can see us or to take pictures.
What's the lesson to be learned here?
Well, the only lesson that this post can teach you is that too much make up is not good. Even if it's Halloween. :D
When we reached the store, the two ladies there commented, "nakakatakot" or "scary". They told us about how they envy us because we can go out and have fun, enjoy halloween unlike them who are not allowed to close until 9:00 pm.
Then, we went to the triangle which is a memorial park located in front of our house. We tried to scare people but the best that we got is to have some vehicles slow down while the passengers point to us so the children inside can see us or to take pictures.
What's the lesson to be learned here?
Well, the only lesson that this post can teach you is that too much make up is not good. Even if it's Halloween. :D
Family Lessons

This was taken on Nadhine's seventh birthday. She's the one wearing a blue gown. I wasn't there because they are in Manila while we are here in Aklan.
First lesson is, sometimes, we have to move on, move away from the people that we love and the people we grew up with. I love them all, and I miss them so much but I think that it will be so much better for my family that we're here in the province. The air is cleaner and the environment is healthy for our growing son. It would be nice to be surrounded by my loved ones and I hope that someday, they can come here and realize that it is a much better place. And it would be the best place ever if they can stay here with us. They are the only reason now why we go back to Manila for vacation. If they will be here with us, I don't think we'll be going back to Manila anymore.
On to the picture, the first one is my father. I call him "papa". What I learned about him is the importance of freedom. I was actually called "daddy's girl" many times. There are lots of people we knew who think that I am really spoiled by my father. He also taught me the importance of having friendship between parents and children. I open up to him and sometimes, we talk about things that my mother and I don't talk about. But, that's when I was younger. Now, I can talk to mama about pretty much everything. Papa also taught me to find humor on the lowest times of your life and when something unwanted or unplanned happen. He has a great sense of humor and I think, I fortunately got some from him.
The next one will be my Tita Flor. "Tita" means aunt in English. Tita Flor is almost never angry. I learned from her how important it is to pamper yourself, take care of yourself, and have lots of patience. I also learned from her that if your child is asking you for something really expensive and he or she definitely don't need, you can always act like you didn't hear him or her. :D
The next one is my cousin, Lorie. Lorie taught me alot about individuality. About having your own style and not being afraid what others may think. She also taught me to be really attentive when one person who doesn't like you is around. You should be quick to move when the unexpected happens. (Kind of an inside joke but maybe you can still relate).
Then, the beautiful woman in white, in the middle, my grandmother. What I learned from her is the importance of being thrifty and saving money whenever you can. She have put haggling to the highest level and she is the most practical woman I have ever known.
Another pretty lady who's standing next to my grandmother is my Tita Fe. She, just like Tita Flor has been like my second mother. Yeah, both of them. She is intelligent, she knows what she deserves, she is resourceful, creative, and a really great planner. Sometimes, whenever there's a special event or a trip and something goes wrong, I always find myself saying that, "Tita Fe will surely know what to do."
Next to her is her daughter, wearing a pink top with floral detail. Well, that girl, my cousin, Tonifet showed me how to dream and actually achieve it. She is dedicated, and when she really believe something, you cannot do anything to make her budge in her position.
Then, we go on to my Tito Freddie. He is really talented and he's been a great friend to me. He showed me what responsibility and loving his family means.
Then, there's my brother, Christian. What I learned from Christian is how to choose your favorite sister. And that's me. :D
Last but not the least is Nadhine. She is very smart and pretty too. What I learned from her is the importance of keeping in touch with your loved ones. I was really surprised when I got her very first text message to me.
Now, there's a lot more that I've learned form my family. Maybe I'll share them some other time. :)
Say Cheese!
We were watching the parade and the atmosphere really festive and jolly. We were waiting for our municipality's giant float accompanied by dancers. I took lots of pictures during the Giant Parade and this is one of the most interesting photos that I took that's why I decided to share it with you guys.
I call the people on the parade's attention whenever I want to take a picture of them so that I can see their face clearly. This one friendly person smiled at the camera sweetly and I think I got a great photo of him.
I also called the others but they didn't hear or maybe they were looking at some other cameras.
What could be the lesson about this picture?
First, when you're on a parade, try to paste a smile on your face. Especially on festivities like the Ati-atihan festival where everyone is just happy. The sound of the drums really make you feel happy and make you feel like dancing. If you're participating in a parade, just smile.
Second, be attentive. If someone calls you to take your picture, I think that it would be great if you're looking your best. You wouldn't want to end up in a blog or in one's photo album or the barrio's bulletin board picking your nose, arranging your hat, or looking like you failed to have breakfast that morning, right?
Pimp Your Ride
Last month, I attended a baptism as "proxy" for my sister who's the real godmother.. She wasn't able to attend the baptism because she has classes to attend.
While we were waiting for the baptism ceremony to start, we stood under a tree and noticed a bike parked against a tree. I laughed when I noticed the Nissan bar, which is usually found on cars and vans. However, this one is placed on the side of the bike. I think that it is a picture worth taking so I did. Well, I asked Ate Mila, our cousin, to pose beside the tree just to add fun with what's happening. This was the actual picture, not cropped at all. At least, it has part of Ate Mila's hand. Well, I was bored so I guess that's enough excuse. Then I took the picture. She asked me if she can see the picture and when I showed it to her, she just rolled her eyes.
Then the mass was over and we went inside the church.
So, what's the lesson that this post can have?
First, you shouldn't be attending baptisms much more act as a proxy to the real godmother when you're not even Catholic.
Second, You should be wary about people wanting you to pose beside a tree with a parked bike when the person who wants to take the picture is really bored.
Third, when you agree to do so, don't ask to see the picture. Don't bother at all.
Fourth, be creative. Having an old bike shouldn't be boring. Make your imagination work, be resourceful and who knows, maybe you can pimp your ride. :D
Now, four lessons in a post isn't bad at all, right?
Inside my head: The beginning.
It's all in my head. The memories, the knowledge, and everything that I found along the way. Now, I'd like to share them with you. I know that the stuff that I will be sharing will be useful for you somehow. So please, read on, and always check back for updates. Bookmark my blog if you like. Feel free to share anything that you like.
I am not new with blogging. But, I like to have different blogs for different things. I have my personal blog, I have a gaming blog, and I have a blog for my hobbies. I think that this one will be for everything else in between so you may find that random contents here.
I am not new with blogging. But, I like to have different blogs for different things. I have my personal blog, I have a gaming blog, and I have a blog for my hobbies. I think that this one will be for everything else in between so you may find that random contents here.
All in my head,
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